At the BRRA meeting on Wednesday we were informed by a resident of Northpoint that the cladding used for the refurbishment of the building 15 years ago is of a type similar to that used in Grenfell.
The building is now under a “Waking Watch” which means 24 hr manned vigilance to evacuate tenants in the case of fire. The cost of this is being borne by residents while the final responsibility for resolving the problem gets pushed around.
You can read Bromley and Chislehurst MP Bob Neil’s discussion of it in Parliament in Hansard here:
The current proposed build at 10A Sherman Road will be literally only a few meters from Northpoint. The cladding issue should be fully resolved before anything further is agreed at Site A and I will be adding an additional comment on the LBB planning portal to reference these concerns. I recommend people do the same.