A planning application has been received for the development of the old NHS clinic building near the car-park at Station Road. The LBB planning portal link is:
BRRA has objected to the application on the following three grounds:
Parking – The application proposed only 1 disabled space for 9 flats and asserted that there was sufficient parking available in nearby roads for other residents of the premises. We argue that there are already very significant pressures on parking in that area.
Site A – If Site A is to be developed at all (which is going to unavoidable) then it should be an integrated project and not developed piecemeal. The NHS building was previously included as part of the original Site A plans and continues to be so in the latest Local Plan draft.
Style – The design of the property was not developed to be consistent with the existing residences in the vicinity. Here’s the proposed elevation from the plannings docs:
Many thanks for BRRA member John for writing up this objection on everyone’s behalf.